Sunday, May 17, 2009


We had a good time last night even with the rain coming down with 22 laps left in the feature causing a cancellation till next week! Yeehaa! 2 modified features next week! The late model feature will be made up on May 30th. Our night started out in a stellar way! We were standing in line for tickets and Donna Wink gave each of us a free ticket for the nights races! AWESOME! Thanks to the Wink's for the free pass as it was Wink Motorsports night! We just got our Cowpatty Nation banner and hung it proudly on the fence behind us along the frontstretch! Now everyone can see where we hang out! Stop by and say," HI" sometime! Or if your looking for a t-shirt, you know where to find us!

We had a good time hanging out with buddy Chris Noble as he picked up his "CPN" t-shirt! Dont forget to check out: whenever you get a chance! We all headed down to the pit gate and chatted with Brad Bidwell who is Jason Hamilton's main dude! Brad is a great guy and he also picked up a "CPN" t-shirt! Thanks Brad! Bert Jones, the owner of Beer City and main sponsor for Jason Hamilton was also there and we traded t-shirts! Bert is a hellava nice guy and I love the Beer City/Hamilton shirts! We also ran into Sidney Pfister...uh I mean Jeff Crosby...uh, now I got it, Jeff Pfister. Jeff is a MAJOR Penguin fan and surely will be rooting the Pens on in their next series against Carolina! Captain Ron had a chat with CVD along the pit gate! Apparently CVD see's the Captain walking his dog daily and makes a point to slow down and wave to Ron! Pretty cool! It was also a great pleasure to finally meet Brent Smith! What a job Brent does with that magic camera of his!! Brent, I am honored to have your blessing to use your photo's! They are excellent! Brent also picked up his "CPN" t-shirt! Jason Hamilton was upbeat after his run from the back last weekend and thinks he finally found a good set-up for the car! I agree...Jason did look good last week! And by the way you had that #15 hauling the mail again till the rain came down! Kelsey was screamin' her head off for ya!

As we headed back towards the entrance we ran into Pete Knappenberger and his wife Amy! Wednesday was Pete's 30th...uh 40th birthday! They were partying in the pavillion and invited us Cowpatties in for some pizza! Thanks guys! It was great talking with you and Happy Birthday Pete! Pete has an awesome radio show called "RACERS ROUNDTABLE". If you never heard it, check it out sometime! Listen live on: or check out the myspace page:! Pete mentioned he would give some props to Cowpatty Nation on his show and add a link to his myspace page! Thanks Pete!

Now, on to some racing! The track was very fast and as always action packed! Heat winners were: Marburger-Follweiler-Smythe & Sheetz with Godown & Gular taking the consi's. Kyle Follweiler and Tommy Sheetz just plain checked out in their respective heat races and looked superb! Late model heat winners were Merkel-Shuey & Schutz! Oh, I also talked with Brian Shuey on the way into the track. I ran karts with Brian years ago at Shellhammers. Brian is a top talent in the Late model division and a track champion! Brian said he will sport the "CPN" stickers on that Red Rocket #5 as soon as we get them in! Thanks Brian! Also, Captain Ron hooked Donna Miller (Bob's wife) up with her "CPN" shirt last nite! Cant wait till wednesday nite for the TOTH!

The kids were along last nite and had a real good time! Kelsey had a short chat with her idol, Jason Hamilton while Brandon got a nice wave from his star, Duane Howard! We were getting the kids involved in the heat action by betting a dollar on each race! They would take 2 cars and Eric and I would pick the next 2! They snookered us for $2 each last nite! Ray Swinehart Jr was also in on the fun! Ray had mentioned that Danny Erb will be out of action in the upcoming weeks due an injury at work! Hope your feeling better real soon Danny! We also got to meet "CPN" regular Kevin Moyer! Kevin is a big fan of "CPN" and a daily Fastchecker! Kevin hails out of Kutztown and is good friends of Addison & Terry Meitzler! Kevin is going to talk with Addison about getting "CPN" stickers on that #21! Thanks Kevin, and it was awesome talking with you!When the rains came, they came in a hurry as the wind really picked up and it just unloaded on us! We hope to see ya'll wednesday night for Thunder on the Hill! Till then...keep on Cowpattying!

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