Tuesday, October 11, 2011

LANCE DEWEASE UPDATE! (Bruce Thomas photos)

Lance was injured last night at Lincoln Speedway when the axle of his sprinter broke exiting turn two. This caused the car to flip and land hard on the LR framerail. The compression broke two vertebrae in his neck.

UPDATE: 3:25pm

Lance is out of a successful surgery. The doctors said he did very well, and although the C6 was was badly fractured, they were able to get everything pieced back together and rebuilt. At this point it looks like he will be in York Hospital (1001 S. George St.) for a few more days, then has about 3-6 months recovery until he can go "back to work." Donny and Renne would like to thank everyone for the concerned calls, texts, and messages. It is much appreciated. They are working feverishly to try and keep everyone in the (racing) family updated on LD's condition.
UPDATE: 7:25pm - Monday
Lance had a tremendous day. He became impatient while waiting on the PT staff, so he got up and was walking around. He feels very good considering, and is ready to come home tomorrow!
He and the rest of the team have also talked Donny into filling the seat for Friday night in an attempt to win the Owner's championship. The pilot for Friday night will be Brian Leppo!
.... Keep LD and the entire team in your thoughts and prayers...

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